The Auckland Project Ticket Portal

Falconry Experience: 'Hawk this Way'

Experience 'Hawk This Way' Falconry at Auckland Castle's Wilderness Garden on Father's Day, Sunday, June 16th. Five slots available: 10.45, 11.45, 12.45, 13.45, 14.45 for families or groups (up to 5 people). Enjoy a 40-minute private falconry session by Walworth Falconry in the historic hawking grounds of Auckland Castle. Cost: £110 per slot (includes Castle Access) irrespective of group size. Each group receives a digital image of their experience. A unique Father's Day gift offering an intimate encounter with birds of prey in a picturesque setting. Book your slot for an unforgettable day.

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  • Falconry Experience: 'Hawk this Way'
    Falconry Experience: 'Hawk this Way'
    0 5 max
Falconry Experience: 'Hawk this Way'

Experience 'Hawk This Way' Falconry at Auckland Castle's Wilderness Garden on Father's Day, Sunday, June 16th. Five slots available: 10.45, 11.45, 12.45, 13.45, 14.45 for families or groups (up to 5 people). Enjoy a 40-minute private falconry session by Walworth Falconry in the historic hawking grounds of Auckland Castle. Cost: £110 per slot (includes Castle Access) irrespective of group size. Each group receives a digital image of their experience. A unique Father's Day gift offering an intimate encounter with birds of prey in a picturesque setting. Book your slot for an unforgettable day.

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